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مطحنة rhus chinensis

盐肤木 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

盐肤木(学名:Rhus chinensis)通称五倍子树,为漆树科盐肤木属植物。

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Rhus chinensis - Wikipedia

Rhus chinensis, the Chinese sumac or nutgall tree, is a deciduous shrub or small tree in the genus Rhus. Growing to 6 m (20 ft) tall, it has downy shoots and leaves comprising several leaflets. These turn red in autumn before falling. The plant is common in East and South Asia, and is cultivated as an ornamental in temperate climates.

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A comprehensive review on ethnobotanical, phytochemical and ...

2022年7月15日  The R. chinensis was first recorded as herbal medicine in Shan Hai Jing (山海经 Warring States Period) and several other ancient books of China revealed that the root, bark,

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Phytochemical characteristics and biological activities of Rhus ...

2022年9月13日  Chinese sumac (Rhus chinensis Mill.) fruits alleviate indomethacin-induced gastric ulcer in mice by improving oxidative stress, inflammation and apoptosis

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盐肤木 - 百度百科

盐肤木,中药名。为漆树科植物盐肤木Rhus chinensis Mill.的根、叶、花、果实。分布于全国各地(除新疆、青海外)。具有清热解毒,散瘀止血之功效。常用于感冒发热,支气管炎,咳嗽咯

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Rhus chinensis Mill. Plants of the World Online Kew Science

A comprehensive evolutionary tree of life for flowering plants. A global database of names used for herbal drugs, products and medicinal plants. Genome size (C-value) data for >12,000 plant

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A Review of Biological Activities and Phytochemistry of Rhus Species

2022年12月12日  Traditionally, extracts and products from Rhus species are regarded as important remedy and have been used extensively as part of traditional healing practices for

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Rhus chinensis Mill. var. roxburghii (DC.) Rehd.

Rhus chinensis Mill. var. roxburghii (DC.) Rehd. >> 第45 (1)卷 >> 漆树科 Anacardiaceae >> 盐肤木属 Rhus. 1.盐肤木(正字通)五倍子树(通称),五倍柴(湖南),五倍子(四川、湖

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Rhus chinensis Mill. - World Flora Online

Shrubs to trees, 2-10 m tall; branchlets ferruginous pubescent, lenticellate. Leaf blade sessile, imparipinnately compound; rachis broadly winged to wingless, ferruginous pubescent; leaflets (5-)7-13; leaflet blade ovate to oblong, increasing in size toward apex, 6-12 × 3-7 cm, adaxially dark green, sparsely pubescent or glabrescent, abaxially lighter green, glaucous, and ferruginous ...

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Rhus Chinensis and Galla Chinensis - Folklore to Modern Evidence ...

2010年12月1日  Rhus chinensis Mill, also known as the Chinese sumac or nutgall tree, is a perennial deciduous shrub that belongs to *Address correspondence to this author at the Central Department of Chemistry, ...

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A Review of Biological Activities and Phytochemistry of

2022年12月12日  Rhus chinensis extracts are use treat coughs, diarrhea, dysentery, fever, jaundice, hepatitis, malaria, snake bite and rheumatism [25]; R. coriaria extracts are used to treat

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Rhus chinensis Chinese Gall, Chinese sumac PFAF Plant Database

Rhus chinensis is a deciduous Tree growing to 6 m (19ft 8in). See above for USDA hardiness. It is hardy to UK zone 8 and is frost tender. It is in flower in August, and the seeds ripen in October. The species is dioecious (individual flowers are either male or female, but only one sex is to be found on any one plant so both male and female plants must be grown if seed is required).

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物语之盐麸木(Rhus chinensis)- 科普中国网

2024年5月20日  拉 丁 名:Rhus chinensis. 分类地位:漆树科 Anacardiaceae盐麸木属 Rhus. 别 名:肤连泡、盐酸白、盐肤子、肤杨树、角倍、倍子柴、红盐果、酸酱头、土椿树、盐树根、红叶桃、乌酸桃、乌烟桃、乌盐泡、乌桃叶、木五倍子、山梧桐、五倍子、五倍柴、五倍子树 ...

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Rhus chinensis :: Wildbienen im Garten

Rhus chinensis (Gallen-Sumach) ist eine Pflanze, an der 1 Wildbienenart(en) ihren Pollen sammeln. , ihre Blüten sind blaß-gelb. Ihr bevorzugter Standort ist vollsonnig bis schwach sonnig und sie wird 3 bis 10 m hoch. Wildbienenscore: 1. Blütezeit: Januar. Februar. März. April. Mai. Juni. Juli. August. September. Oktober. November.

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Rhus chinensis and Galla Chinensis – folklore to modern evidence ...

2010年11月22日  INTRODUCTION. Rhus chinensis belongs to the genus Rhus and the Family Anacardiaceae (Miller et al., 2001).Commonly called sumac, Rhus consists of approximately 250 individual species of flowering plants, with six species found (four endemics) in China. Like most sumacs, Rhus chinensis is a dioecious shrub that can reach 8 m in height. It bears odd

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Rhus chinensis and Galla Chinensis - Wiley Online Library

2010年11月22日  INTRODUCTION. Rhus chinensis belongs to the genus Rhus and the Family Anacardiaceae (Miller et al., 2001).Commonly called sumac, Rhus consists of approximately 250 individual species of flowering plants, with six species found (four endemics) in China. Like most sumacs, Rhus chinensis is a dioecious shrub that can reach 8 m in height. It bears odd

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Rhus chinensis - Trees and Shrubs Online

Recommended citation 'Rhus chinensis' from the website Trees and Shrubs Online (treesandshrubsonline. org/ articles/ rhus/ rhus-chinensis/). Accessed 2024-11-17. Last autumn's fruit hangs on until the following May on this 1989 accession of

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Rhus chinensis in Flora of China @ efloras

1. Rhus chinensis Miller, Gard. Dict., ed. 8.Rhus no. 7. 1768. 盐麸木 yan fu mu Shrubs to trees, 2-10 m tall; branchlets ferruginous pubescent, lenticellate. Leaf blade sessile, imparipinnately compound; rachis broadly winged to wingless, ferruginous pubescent; leaflets (5-)7-13; leaflet blade ovate to oblong, increasing in size toward apex, 6-12 × 3-7 cm, adaxially dark green,

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Traditional Medicinal Uses and Pharmacological Properties of Rhus

2018年6月1日  Rhus chinensis Mill, also known as the Chinese sumac or nutgall tree, is a perennial deciduous shrub that belongs to *Address correspondence to this author at the Central Department of Chemistry ...

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Rhus chinensis - Plant Finder - Missouri Botanical Garden

Noteworthy Characteristics. Rhus chinensis, commonly called Chinese sumac, Chinese gall or nutgall tree, is an open-spreading large shrub or small tree that grows to 15-25’ tall.Pinnately compound leaves with 7-13 toothed leaflets (each 2-5” long). Petiole is often winged. Leaflets are bright green above and brown pubescent beneath.

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(PDF) Rhus chinensis and Galla Chinensis

Res. 24: 1739–1747 (2010) Published online 17 June 2010 in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary) DOI: 10.1002/ptr.3215 REVIEW Rhus Chinensis and Galla Chinensis – Folklore to Modern Evidence: Review Odilon

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Rhus chinensis var. roxburghii 臺灣生命大百科

鹽膚木 Rhus chinensis. 植物界 Plantae 綠色植物亞界 Viridiplantae 鏈型植物次界 Streptophyta 有胚植物超門 Embryophyta 維管束植物門 Tracheophyta 種子植物亞門 Spermatophytina 被子植物超綱 Angiospermae 木蘭植物綱 Magnoliopsida 木蘭植物亞綱 Magnoliidae

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盐肤木 (Rhus chinensis Mill) - 湖南省林业局

2015年12月7日  盐肤木( Rhus chinensis Mill )又名五倍子树、山梧桐、黄瓤树、欺树,为漆树科盐肤木属落叶小乔木。盐肤木是中国主要经济树种,可供制药和作工业染料的原料。

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Rhus, azijnboom - Neerlandstuin

Rhus typhina ‘Dissecta’ 450: Als boven, maar met zeer diep ingesneden, varenachtige bladen. Behoud tot ver in de winter z’n vruchten. Rhus chinensis ‘Winter Beauty’ 600 of meer: Komt uit China en Japan. De samengestelde bladen zijn zeer grof getand. De stelen zijn gevleugeld.

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A comprehensive review on ethnobotanical, phytochemical and ...

2022年7月15日  In order to discover more compounds with novel structures to both enrich chemical context of genus Rhus and expand the variety of constituents, the phytochemical research is urgent and indispensable. Anti-diarrhea, the most widely application of R. chinensis traditionally, is insufficient in underlying mechanism exploration. And for other activities, in

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Rhus chinensis var. roxburghii (DC.) Rehder 臺灣生命大百科

| 作者:王志強、呂碧鳳、邱清安、張坤成、陳子英、曾彥學、簡瑞儀、蘇夢淮 | 資料提供:原景綠境:臺灣原生樹種景觀應用手冊 | 來源學名:Rhus chinensis Mill. var. roxburghii (DC.) Rehder | 上次更新:2023-12-14

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盐肤木 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

落叶小乔木或灌木,茎中心有髓质。 奇数羽状复叶互生,叶轴有翅,常在此处生长虫瘿,矩圆形、椭圆形小叶7-13个,边缘有粗锯齿,叶背面密生灰褐色绒毛;秋季开黄白色花,圆锥花序顶生;橘红色小核果,有短毛。

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Rhus chinensis Mill. - iPlant 植物智

中国植物志 >> 第45(1)卷 >> 漆树科 Anacardiaceae >> 盐肤木属 Rhus. 1.盐肤木(正字通)五倍子树(通称),五倍柴(湖南),五倍子(四川、湖南),山梧桐(辽宁),木五倍子(四川),乌桃叶、乌盐泡、乌烟桃(武汉),乌酸桃、红叶桃、盐树根(浙江),土椿树、酸酱头(山东),红盐果、倍子柴 ...

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